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S.M.A.R.T Goals

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

Goals are important when it comes to achieving your dreams. However, some goals are not as easy to attain as others. They usually need to have steps. The steps need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time based. Maybe you’ve heard this acronym before: SMART. By using SMART goals to make a step by step plan you will make your process less focused on what to do and more focused on action.

Every step, and even your final goal should fit these 5 categories.


Specific can also mean detailed. There should not be any questioning what your goal means. Ask how, when, what, etc. By making your goals specific, you don't need to spend any time thinking of what the goal means because it is described. Therefore, leaving more time for action and actually achieve the goal.


Making a step Measurable allows you to assess if the goal was met. If you don't know the number of the goal, then you won't know if you've reached it. The majority of goals can be measured by numbers. If your goal can't, try making it more specific.


Attainable just means that your goals have to be possible. With that said, nothing is impossible. Just make sure they are able to be reached with resources and abilities. If you don't have the resources at hand, go out and buy them. If you don't have enough money, which is also a resource, save up. It may take a little longer, but it may be necessary. Also, if you claim you have no skills, go on Youtube and learn a skill. You can even pay someone to do the skill for you.


Realistic is basically the same as attainable. Ask yourself "Will I really be able to attain my goal by this date?" or "Can I attain this goal with my resources and abilities?" If you can great! If you can't, don't give up, maybe downsize your goal and work up to it.

Time Based

Lastly time based. By timing your goals and giving yourself a time limit, you create a sense of urgency. Without a sense of urgency there is no need to work toward your goal now. With urgency you don't leave time to procrastinate.


Imagine that you are setting a goal for earning $1000 this month. To make it specific say "I will make $1000 by the end of this month by selling my t-shirts". Then make sure it is measurable. The number amount is $1000, so it is measurable. Next, make sure it is attainable. Do you have customers who want to buy your shirts, do you have enough supplies, etc. After making sure its attainable, make sure it is realistic. Can you really make and sell that many shirts in a month. Lastly, time based. The time limit is one month.

By using this method to set goals, you not only make the process easier, but you raise the probability of you achieving the goal. The next time you set a goal use this method.

Thank you for reading!

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